Doctor Pretesh

Be Healthy. Be Successful. No Regrets

Achieve Mental Clarity, Strong Relationships, and Peak Physical Health—without sacrificing your work ❤️ Subscribe
Doctor Pretesh Graduating from the University of Cambridge, in a Graduation gown with a bouquet of flowers.

I'll Be Your Guide To A Better, Healthier Version Of Yourself

I’m Pretesh, a top 10% doctor from the University of Cambridge and health addict. I've successfully increased my weight from 58 to 80 kg, conquered severe social anxiety, and nurtured 5x more friendships.
As a doctor and startup founder, I value your time. That's why I create clear, comprehensive, and efficient health guides that you can follow easily.

I'll talk about the 3 domains of health...

Mental Health

Mental Health

Physical Health

Physical Health

Social Health

Social Health